The changing season doesn’t have to make your garden become all brittle and brown. Incorporate beautiful Fall plants that brings new bursts of color as your other plants reach the end of their vibrancy. Two of our favorites are Beauty Berry and Snow Berry. And as a special bonus, the birds like them, too!
Come stop by the Broccolo Garden Center to get some beautiful Fall-colored plants!
Attract birds to your garden for a multitude of benefits! Not only do they help control pesky bugs, but they also will pollinate your plants while feasting on their seeds, and provide a delightful aerial show. In the Fall, Black Eyed Susans, Sunflowers, and Echinacea are perfect choices to invite these feathered friends into your landscape.
If you’re trying to find the perfect combination of plants to attract certain birds, come talk with us at the Broccolo Garden Center! Our knowledgable staff can show you plants that will encourage your feathered friends to stick around.