Happy Arbor Day!
(Is this the most important holiday?)

Laurie Broccolo – Chief Tree Hugger
Laurie has always been a tree
hugger and has infused that love of trees throughout Broccolo.

Tree of the Week: Tulip Tree Lirodendron
A tall majestic fast growing native tree found throughout our northeast forests, but rarely found in landscape settings. 
Yes, the flowers look like tulips, but the main attraction is the stately shape, the fall color and the shade it casts.
The leaves are dark green with a very distinctive shape and since it may not flower for years, plant it for all of the additional contributions’ the Tulip tree trees provide including host to the tiger swallowtail butterfly.

Tulip Tree Trivia: State Tree of 3 states (Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee.)
One of the largest trees in North America towering to over 100 feet tall and 40 feet wide, with roots than can grow to 100 feet deep!

Did you know?

A single Oak tree can host over 4000 Birds, Caterpillars, and Insects!

There are over 50 species of Oak in the northeast

There are over 64,000 species of trees in the world

Change your climate and plant a tree.

Strategic placement of trees saves you energy and money. Shade trees planted on the south and west sides of your building cool the temperature in summers and allows the warmth of sunlight into your windows during the winter.

Help feed the birds by planting a tree!

Choosing a native tree is critical to a healthy population of birds. Native trees are hosts to insects such as moth caterpillars and beetle larvae. The birds devour them by the hundreds to feed their nestlings.

Broccolo’s Favorite Native Trees

For Shade: Red and Sugar Maples, Red and Swamp White Oaks, Tulip Poplar, Nyssa (Black Tupelo), River Birch, Linden, Sycamore and Locust

Evergreen trees: White Spruce, White Pine, Western Arborvitae and Junipers

Ornamental trees: Amelanchier Serviceberry, Redbud, Flowering Dogwood and Hawthorn

Trees and Lawns go together!

Planting trees to provide protection from your turf is a natural way to protect your
lawn from evaporating.  Dappled shade helps protects from extreme temperatures and reduces turf water consumption.
Garden Center Classes
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P.S. (A Tree  or a Plant could be a great present for mom for Mother’s Day!)
P.P.S. Mother’s Day is May 12th – 2755 Penfield Rd. (Gift Card or Arrange a Tree!)
Now is a great time
order your bulk mulch
or topsoil.
Order Now