Black History is happening now. The infamous Central Park Birder is a fascinating man. His perspective on life through nature and as a gay man is inspiring. He shares his knowledge of birds through a recent book and as the host on National Geographic’s show
‘Extraordinary Birder’. Enjoy this interview below!
Get a gift card for the sweethearts in your life! With Spring right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning for your favorite plants and gardening supplies.
Here are examples of native plants to add to your wish list. We can pre-order for you now.
Pussy willows look great in hedges. They are early bloomers that pollinators love. The soft buds are irresistible to touch and you can cut the twigs to bring inside.
New Jersey Tea is a compact summer flowering shrub that is hard to find at most garden centers. It fits nicely in any flower garden or foundation planting.
Did you know that these female winter berries need just one male to pollinate and produce the bird attracting fruit. But not any male! They are specific such as Southern Gentleman for Winter Red and Jim Dandy for Winterberry. Yes, completely different species that flower at different times! Be sure to make an educated decision when planning your gardens.