Check out these projects!
Garden Cleanup, Bed Re-shaping and New Planting
Bed redesign and added curbing, cobbles and plantings alongside the gorgeous paver driveway ~ Brighton

Some small
front Walkway inspiration.  One of the best and first upgrade to your home is the entrance.  Feel great coming home to beautiful plantings and upgraded walks.

Feeling inspired?  Reach out to Broccolo to meet with a landscape designer. There is plenty of time left in 2024 to get plantings, patios and walks designed and installed. 
Call: (585)424-4476 or request a quote online.

Light Up Your Gardens!
Interested in making your landscape come alive for all 4 seasons?
With LED technology, Broccolo can use different colors and light intensities to create a lighting sure to have that “wow” effect.  Landscape lighting enhances your property, creates all year long interest, and provides security. 
You can even change the colors based on the holiday using a phone app that controls your settings.
Call: (585)424-4476 for a consult
Join us on Saturday, August 31 at 11:00 AM at the beautiful Broccolo Garden Center for a B2R music showcase featuring many of our very talented solo artists and bands.
Get ready for a day filled with live music, beautiful botanicals, and good vibes. Bring your friends and family for a fun and relaxing time surrounded by nature!
Click Here for more info.