We are all too familiar with dry lawns during the summer season, yet there are a few things you can do to prevent the summer lawn blues (or browns):

Raise up the mower deck to the highest setting.
Skip constant mowing and wait until grass is over 3” to mow again.
– Sharpen your lawnmower blades!
– Leave your clippings- they will break down.
– Fertilizer is not recommended in the summer, this won’t help a dry and damaged lawn.

– Partner with Broccolo’s experienced technicians to advise you.
– A deep watering once every couple of weeks will help keep the roots from drying out even if the grass blades are brown.
Ask about the Moisture Manager product that we can apply to help keep your lawn green by holding soil moisture.
– Plan for your fall seeding now to fill in those thin bare areas. Our fall calendar fills up quickly, so call us today.
(For DIY folks, we can help with the right seed and tips for success).


Darkness may hide the trees and the flowers from the eyes but it cannot hide love from the soul.

Moisture Manager
An anti-desiccant that helps your lawn reserve water!


Located on 43 acres of scenic farmland on Penfield Rd, just 3 miles east of Rt. 250, Broccolo Garden Center has a country setting with a farmhouse, barns, chickens, and a fishing pond. Come choose from our perennials, annuals, trees, shrubs, or our wide variety of native plants!
Come visit us at 2755 Penfield Rd. Fairport, NY



We are committed to providing you with a positive experience and will do everything possible to meet your gardening needs. We have been experiencing delays due to high demand during this peak season and labor shortages. COVID-19 has changed many things throughout the globe and we appreciate your understanding and patience!