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Whether you are an experienced gardener or a beginner you probably know that harvesting fresh food from your back yard is one of the great joys of gardening. One of the key garden players, the herbs, are often overlooked! Herbs have a job of making ordinary meals into something special. A bit of this and a pinch of that will convert a pedestrian dinner into a feast. Herbs can turn food for the body into mana for the spirit. Their special colors and fragrances can bring variety and interest to an otherwise bland garden landscape. They belong in the garden planted either by themselves or mixed with other vegies or flowers.  They can also beautify your patio, doorsteps, hallway or windowsill. In this class, the participants will learn the benefits of herb growing and their use for cooking, learn about the soil conditions needed for a healthy, productive herb garden and see a demonstration on how to design their own patio herb container. Taught by Jarmila Haseler.

Preregistration is required.