2022-04-04T12:56:04-04:00By Broccolo TLC|Newsletters|Comments Off on Christmas 2017 Newsletter
Happy Holidays & Peace in 2018
We would like to thank everyone for a wonderful 2017.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in 2018 with exciting new classes, services, environmental education and fun!
Happy Holidays and Peace in 2018
Watch for Broccolo’s booth & seminar on Curb Appeal! Gardenscape March 8-11, 2018 More info at rochesterflowershow.com
Weather Shield Evergreens and other landscape plants sensitive to wind and winter injury will benefit from a protectant spray. This waxy coating helps to seal the leaves and minimizes winter desiccation, helping to keep your plants healthy. Deer Repellant Foraging deer can severely damage a landscape through winter browsing. We apply either a granular or liquid repellent to repel them from your valued landscape plantings. Winter Pruning Renovates overgrown, thick, or poorly shaped plants- resulting in better form, hardiness, and vigor.