Happy Holidays & Peace in 2018

We would like to thank everyone for a wonderful 2017.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in 2018 with exciting new classes, services, environmental education and fun! 

Happy Holidays and Peace in 2018


Watch for Broccolo’s booth & seminar on Curb Appeal!
Gardenscape  March 8-11, 2018

More info at rochesterflowershow.com

Look for Broccolo’s creative booth at the
Rochester Homebuilders Home & Garden Show! 

March 24 and 25, 2018

Tuck your Plants in… some Winter Management Tips

Weather Shield  Evergreens and other landscape plants sensitive to wind and winter injury will benefit from a protectant spray. This waxy coating helps to seal the leaves and minimizes winter desiccation, helping to keep your plants healthy.
Deer Repellant Foraging deer can severely damage a landscape through winter browsing. We apply either a granular or liquid repellent to repel them from your valued landscape plantings.
Winter Pruning Renovates overgrown, thick, or poorly shaped plants- resulting in better form, hardiness, and vigor.